
At effectivism.net we seek to find ways to change the world in a positive way, and to measure the change we are making.

Current blogger:   Lauren is secretly a very lazy activist who gets tired even reading all the emails that her favorite organizations send her.  She is always trying to figure out how to spend the least amount of effort getting the maximum gain on causes she cares about, and does a lot of research on the topic.  Starting this blog seemed like the most sensible way of being lazy.  No, really.  You can send her feedback at her gmail account (laurenhat is her username).

Emeritus bloggers:

Margaret Lange received a Ph.D. in political theory from Columbia University in October 2009. She thinks that the internet has the potential to make understanding and changing the world easier for everyone.  Her website is margaretmeeklange.com.

Joe Decker is an activist and artist living in San Jose. In 2002 he left a tech career to persue nature photography and in order to be able to devote more time to family and activism. He’s the author of God Hates Shrimp, served for five years on the board of Impact Bay Area, and was the author of an amicus brief arguing in favor of equal marriage rights to the California Supreme Court. He is also a passionate-yet-possibly-ineffective member of the pajamadeen.